
Tuesday 11 December 2012

PVC Bi Fold Windows - An Economical Way To Revamp Old Home


The cool breeze peeping and in-gressing the house through the window on a hot and torrid afternoon, providing suffice comfort to the inhabitants makes known the imperativeness of windows in any establishment. Living in a concrete world, windows become the only source through which one connects with the nature. The sight of a lush green tree, the beauty of the pouring rain, fog dissipating on the panes of the windows, all looks divine.

The requisiteness of windows in any establishment can not be denied and considering their necessity, manufactures over the years have come up with the most innovative and la mode designs that are not only functional but can also adorn the walls of any ordinary home. Among many styles there are some types which always stay popular among people, no matter how many novel styles and types appear in the market. One such type of window is bi fold. This type of window looks much like the bi fold doors, and similarly has extensive sash frames and voluminous hinges. So, the good thing is is you can enjoy great panoramic views from this window even when the window is closed. The functionality of this windows is enhanced by the roll-down fly screen included in it, which is of great assistance as it does not let bugs and insects to enter the establishment. The roll-down fly screen can also be easily hidden in the top section of the window frame when their use is not desired.

The PVC bi fold windows form an exquisite and splendid addition to any house. These are durable and do not collapse for a life time. These are galvanized by aluminium which makes them abrasion resistant. The stainless steel bearings also lends a smooth operation to the window. These windows can be attained in the combination of two, three and four leaf. These also come with the options of left or right handed fly-screen operation.White, bronze, gold, stain chrome, mahogany are some of the colors in which these can be attained. These windows require less maintenance so these are very economical. Refurbishing the home with these windows is also a frugal way of revamping and renovating one's home.

Slide and Fold Ltd provides an inexhaustible range of aluminium bifold windows at very reasonable prices. We have been engaged in providing our services since 2006. Our prices and quality is best in the market.


  1. Hello,
    Awesome post along with beautiful pictures of windows and doors...These are perfect for a house...I liked it...Thank you too much.......>sliding & soundproof windows | Slide and fold windows

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